SAS - Data & AI Warsaw Tech Summit


SAS is the leader in analytics and AI. Through innovative software and services, SAS empowers and inspires customers around the world to transform data into intelligence to make smart decisions and drive relevant change. With SAS, data scientists have a rich set of tools, including statistical methods, optimization, data visualizations, machine learning and deep learning. You can serve predictions and embed AI models in applications through REST APIs and programming languages such as Python, R, Java, Lua and Scala. The SAS platform runs in a variety of environments, whether you are deploying in the cloud or on premises. SAS also provides natural language processing and speech to text tools. These methods are accessible through APIs and enable users to build intelligent applications such as Chatbots. SAS platform allows to operationalize data product on any scale in real time. SAS helps customers at more than 83,000 sites in 147 countries. Incorporated in 1976, company employs nearly 14 000 employees.